Join LDAMC today !

What you gain when you join LDAMC:

LDAMC offers monthly Webinars from experts in the field of special education to help educators, parents and students learn strategies to be successful in Executive Functioning, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, and many other learning differences

Parent Advisory Services:
Trained volunteers provide advice, information and assistance about schools and agencies, both public and private, serving the LD population of all ages. E-mail or call (301.933.1076) for more information.

Guest speakers, panels, workshops & videos. Our upcoming meetings are on the calendar.

Newsletter: – Members Only
Articles, local news and monthly updates.

Resource Lists:
Instant access to all 27 resource lists through our Yahoo group, including but not limited to: tutors, schools, diagnostic facilities, coaches, many more…

Young Adults’ Social Group:
The Hang Out Hive, – ages 21 and older. E-mail or visit

LDAMC and Advocacy: LDAMC participates in advocacy on the hill by attending meetings on government funding for Special education, to be informed and to speak up for the need for funding in Special Education.


Membership is only $55 for one year (12 consecutive months) CLICK/TAP here to pay on-line  [LDA National will open in a new window]

Please mail a check for $55, made payable to:
Learning Disabilities Association of America,
4068 Mount Royal Boulevard, Suite 224B; Allison Park, PA 15101
Please reference your County of Residence on the check:  = Montgomery County